Fri, 27 Sep 2024 18:25:17 UTC | login

Information for build lightdm-autologin-greeter-1.0-8.fc29

Package Namelightdm-autologin-greeter
SummaryAutologin greeter using LightDM
Descriptionlightdm-autologin-greeter is a minimal greeter for LightDM that has the same autologin behavior as nodm, but being based on LightDM, it stays on top of modern display manager requirements. The difference between LightDM's built-in autologin and this greeter, is the behavior in case of 0-seconds autologin delay. When LightDM automatically logs in with no delay, upon logout it will show the login window again. The intent is that if the default user logged out, they probably intend to log in again as a different user. In the case of managing a kiosk-like setup, if the X session quits, then the desired behavior is to just start it again. LightDM with an autologin timeout of 1 or more seconds would work, but one sees the login dialog window appear and disappear on-screen at each system startup. With this greeter, the X session starts right away, and is restarted if it quits, without any flicker of a login dialog box. If one is not setting up a kiosk-like setup, it's very likely that the default autologin behavior of LightDM is the way to go, and that this greeter is not needed.
Built bydavidlt
State complete
StartedThu, 19 Jul 2018 19:16:49 UTC
CompletedThu, 19 Jul 2018 19:16:49 UTC
lightdm-autologin-greeter-1.0-8.fc29.src.rpm (info) (download)
lightdm-autologin-greeter-1.0-8.fc29.noarch.rpm (info) (download)
Changelog * Fri Jul 13 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1.0-8 - Rebuilt for * Tue Jun 19 2018 Miro HronĨok <> - 1.0-7 - Rebuilt for Python 3.7 * Wed Feb 07 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1.0-6 - Rebuilt for * Tue Aug 22 2017 Neal Gompa <> - 1.0-5 - Revert removing lightdm-greeter Provides * Mon Aug 21 2017 Leigh Scott <> - 1.0-4 - Remove provides lightdm-greeter as it is matched first on netinstall (rhbz #1481192) * Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1.0-3 - Rebuilt for * Tue May 23 2017 Neal Gompa <> - 1.0-2 - Rename distro readme file to README.distro on install * Mon May 15 2017 Neal Gompa <> - 1.0-1 - Update to 1.0 * Mon May 15 2017 Neal Gompa <> - 0-0.git20170515.22021f3 - Initial packaging