$ git clone -n https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/plymouth.git /var/lib/mock/f32-build-120762-37052/root/chroot_tmpdir/scmroot/plymouth Cloning into '/var/lib/mock/f32-build-120762-37052/root/chroot_tmpdir/scmroot/plymouth'... $ git reset --hard e2974622bf6b1774053beb828d5363cd7da08fca HEAD is now at e297462 Drop our private plymouth-update-initrd copy, it is identical to upstream New upstream git snapshot, with the following fixes: Tweaks to the spinner/bgrt themes to match the gdm/gnome-shell lock screen password entry style tweaks done in GNOME 3.34 Move the keyboard layout and capslock indicator closer to the text field Fix flickering below spinner on hidpi displays: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/plymouth/plymouth/issues/83 Add logrotate file for /var/log/boot.log so that it does not grow endlessly: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/plymouth/plymouth/issues/31 Some bgrt fixes for devices with non-upright mounted LCD panels