$ git clone -n https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/nordugrid-arc.git /var/lib/mock/f31-build-113150-34347/root/chroot_tmpdir/scmroot/nordugrid-arc Cloning into '/var/lib/mock/f31-build-113150-34347/root/chroot_tmpdir/scmroot/nordugrid-arc'... $ git reset --hard e4915388023ad3c9b0640178adc99543c8684bf6 HEAD is now at e491538 Update to version 6.2.0 Drop Python 2 bindings for Fedora 32+ and EPEL 8+ Drop infosys-ldap package for Fedora 32+ and EPEL 8+ (requires bdii which is not ported to Python 3) Build for EPEL 8 (pylint, gfal2 and python-lrms disabled - missing deps)