Information for RPM quake2-8.30-1.fc40.riscv64.rpm
ID | 1128213 | |||||||||||||||
Name | quake2 | |||||||||||||||
Version | 8.30 | |||||||||||||||
Release | 1.fc40 | |||||||||||||||
Epoch | ||||||||||||||||
Arch | riscv64 | |||||||||||||||
Summary | Quake II (Yamagi version) | |||||||||||||||
Description | This package contains the enhanced GPL YamagiQuake2 version of the Quake 2 engine. To run the game you will need the original data files from demo or full versions. Full version setup: Copy the baseq2 folder contents from the CD-ROM/Steam to ~/.yq2/baseq2/ (or to use the data files system-wide copy the data files to /usr/lib64/games/quake2/baseq2/) Enjoy the full version. Demo version setup: Get the demo from and extract it. It's just an ordinary, self-extract ZIP file. An archiver or even the unzip command can be used. copy the extracted folder contents /Install/Data/baseq2/* to ~/.yq2/baseq2/ (or to use the data files system-wide copy the data files to /usr/lib64/games/quake2/baseq2/) Enjoy the demo version. Not patched full version setup: If your full version of quake 2 isn't patched you need to do some more steps Please note that the patch is required for all full versions of the game, even the newer ones like Steam. Without it Yamagi Quake II will not work! Download the patch: Extract the patch into an empty directory. The patch is just an ordinary self-extracting ZIP file. On Windows it can be extracted by double clicking on it, on other systems an archiver or even the unzip command can be used. Now it's time to remove the following files from the extracted patch. They're the original executables, documentation and so on. They aren't needed anymore: 3.20_Changes.txt quake2.exe ref_gl.dll ref_soft.dll baseq2/gamex86.dll baseq2/maps.lst ctf/ctf2.ico ctf/gamex86.dll ctf/readme.txt ctf/server.cfg xatrix/gamex86.dll rogue/gamex86.dll Copy the pak0.pak file and the video/ sub-directory from your Quake II distribution (CD, Steam download, etc) into the baseq2/ sub-directory of the extracted patch. | |||||||||||||||
Build Time | 2023-11-29 16:41:21 GMT | |||||||||||||||
Size | 921.36 KB | |||||||||||||||
16578b7f2180278ec0271b61486536c2 | ||||||||||||||||
License | GPL-2.0-or-later | |||||||||||||||
Buildroot | f40-build-751189-115701 | |||||||||||||||
Provides |
Obsoletes | No Obsoletes | |||||||||||||||
Conflicts | No Conflicts | |||||||||||||||
Requires |
Recommends | No Recommends | |||||||||||||||
Suggests | No Suggests | |||||||||||||||
Supplements | No Supplements | |||||||||||||||
Enhances | No Enhances | |||||||||||||||
Files | ||||||||||||||||
Component of | No Buildroots |