Wed, 13 Nov 2024 23:11:55 UTC | login

Information for RPM rust-domain-0.10.1-4.fc41.src.rpm

SummaryDNS library for Rust
DescriptionA DNS library for Rust.
Build Time2024-09-11 19:05:39 GMT
Size552.07 KB
rust-domain+arc-swap-devel = 0.10.1-4.fc41
rust-domain+bytes-devel = 0.10.1-4.fc41
rust-domain+chrono-devel = 0.10.1-4.fc41
rust-domain+default-devel = 0.10.1-4.fc41
rust-domain+futures-devel = 0.10.1-4.fc41
rust-domain+futures-util-devel = 0.10.1-4.fc41
rust-domain+heapless-devel = 0.10.1-4.fc41
rust-domain+libc-devel = 0.10.1-4.fc41
rust-domain+net-devel = 0.10.1-4.fc41
rust-domain+parking_lot-devel = 0.10.1-4.fc41
rust-domain+proc-macro2-devel = 0.10.1-4.fc41
rust-domain+rand-devel = 0.10.1-4.fc41
rust-domain+ring-devel = 0.10.1-4.fc41
rust-domain+serde-devel = 0.10.1-4.fc41
rust-domain+sign-devel = 0.10.1-4.fc41
rust-domain+siphasher-devel = 0.10.1-4.fc41
rust-domain+smallvec-devel = 0.10.1-4.fc41
rust-domain+std-devel = 0.10.1-4.fc41
rust-domain+tokio-devel = 0.10.1-4.fc41
rust-domain+tokio-rustls-devel = 0.10.1-4.fc41
rust-domain+tracing-devel = 0.10.1-4.fc41
rust-domain+tracing-subscriber-devel = 0.10.1-4.fc41
rust-domain+tsig-devel = 0.10.1-4.fc41
rust-domain+unstable-server-transport-devel = 0.10.1-4.fc41
rust-domain+unstable-stelline-devel = 0.10.1-4.fc41
rust-domain+unstable-zonetree-devel = 0.10.1-4.fc41
rust-domain+validate-devel = 0.10.1-4.fc41
rust-domain+zonefile-devel = 0.10.1-4.fc41
rust-domain-devel = 0.10.1-4.fc41
Obsoletes No Obsoletes
Conflicts No Conflicts
(crate(bytes) >= 1.0.0 with crate(bytes) < 2.0.0~)
(crate(bytes/std) >= 1.0.0 with crate(bytes/std) < 2.0.0~)
(crate(lazy_static/default) >= 1.4.0 with crate(lazy_static/default) < 2.0.0~)
(crate(octseq) >= 0.5.1 with crate(octseq) < 0.6.0~)
(crate(octseq/std) >= 0.5.1 with crate(octseq/std) < 0.6.0~)
(crate(rand/default) >= 0.8.0 with crate(rand/default) < 0.9.0~)
(crate(rstest/default) >= 0.18.0 with crate(rstest/default) < 0.20.0~)
(crate(rustls-pemfile/default) >= 2.1.2 with crate(rustls-pemfile/default) < 3.0.0~)
(crate(serde_json/default) >= 1.0.113 with crate(serde_json/default) < 2.0.0~)
(crate(serde_test/default) >= 1.0.130 with crate(serde_test/default) < 2.0.0~)
(crate(serde_yaml/default) >= 0.9.0 with crate(serde_yaml/default) < 0.10.0~)
(crate(socket2/default) >= 0.5.5 with crate(socket2/default) < 0.6.0~)
(crate(time) >= 0.3.1 with crate(time) < 0.4.0~)
(crate(time/std) >= 0.3.1 with crate(time/std) < 0.4.0~)
(crate(tokio-rustls) >= 0.26.0 with crate(tokio-rustls) < 0.27.0~)
(crate(tokio-rustls/logging) >= 0.26.0 with crate(tokio-rustls/logging) < 0.27.0~)
(crate(tokio-rustls/ring) >= 0.26.0 with crate(tokio-rustls/ring) < 0.27.0~)
(crate(tokio-rustls/tls12) >= 0.26.0 with crate(tokio-rustls/tls12) < 0.27.0~)
(crate(tokio-test/default) >= 0.4.0 with crate(tokio-test/default) < 0.5.0~)
(crate(tokio-tfo/default) >= 0.2.0 with crate(tokio-tfo/default) < 0.4.0~)
(crate(tokio/default) >= 1.37.0 with crate(tokio/default) < 2.0.0~)
(crate(tokio/io-util) >= 1.37.0 with crate(tokio/io-util) < 2.0.0~)
(crate(tokio/net) >= 1.37.0 with crate(tokio/net) < 2.0.0~)
(crate(tokio/rt-multi-thread) >= 1.37.0 with crate(tokio/rt-multi-thread) < 2.0.0~)
(crate(tokio/test-util) >= 1.37.0 with crate(tokio/test-util) < 2.0.0~)
(crate(webpki-roots/default) >= 0.26.0 with crate(webpki-roots/default) < 0.27.0~)
cargo-rpm-macros >= 24
rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1
rpmlib(DynamicBuildRequires) <= 4.15.0-1
rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1
rpmlib(RichDependencies) <= 4.12.0-1
rpmlib(TildeInVersions) <= 4.10.0-1
rust >= 1.78.0
Recommends No Recommends
Suggests No Suggests
Supplements No Supplements
Enhances No Enhances
1 through 3 of 3
Name ascending sort Size
domain-0.10.1.crate542.48 KB
domain-fix-metadata.diff458.00 B
rust-domain.spec12.89 KB
Component of No Buildroots