(crate(byteorder/default) >= 1.2.0 with crate(byteorder/default) < 2.0.0) |
(crate(enum-as-inner/default) >= 0.2.0 with crate(enum-as-inner/default) < 0.3.0) |
(crate(env_logger/default) >= 0.6.0 with crate(env_logger/default) < 0.7.0) |
(crate(failure/default) >= 0.1.0 with crate(failure/default) < 0.2.0) |
(crate(futures/default) >= 0.1.27 with crate(futures/default) < 0.2.0) |
(crate(idna/default) >= 0.1.4 with crate(idna/default) < 0.2.0) |
(crate(lazy_static/default) >= 1.0.0 with crate(lazy_static/default) < 2.0.0) |
(crate(log/default) >= 0.4.1 with crate(log/default) < 0.5.0) |
(crate(rand/default) >= 0.6.0 with crate(rand/default) < 0.7.0) |
(crate(smallvec/default) >= 0.6.0 with crate(smallvec/default) < 0.7.0) |
(crate(socket2/default) >= 0.3.9 with crate(socket2/default) < 0.4.0) |
(crate(tokio-executor/default) >= 0.1.7 with crate(tokio-executor/default) < 0.2.0) |
(crate(tokio-io/default) >= 0.1.0 with crate(tokio-io/default) < 0.2.0) |
(crate(tokio-reactor/default) >= 0.1.0 with crate(tokio-reactor/default) < 0.2.0) |
(crate(tokio-tcp/default) >= 0.1.0 with crate(tokio-tcp/default) < 0.2.0) |
(crate(tokio-timer/default) >= 0.2.10 with crate(tokio-timer/default) < 0.3.0) |
(crate(tokio-udp/default) >= 0.1.0 with crate(tokio-udp/default) < 0.2.0) |
(crate(tokio/default) >= 0.1.15 with crate(tokio/default) < 0.2.0) |
(crate(url/default) >= 1.6.0 with crate(url/default) < 2.0.0) |
rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 |
rpmlib(DynamicBuildRequires) <= 4.15.0-1 |
rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 |
rpmlib(RichDependencies) <= 4.12.0-1 |
rust-packaging |