ID | 370668 |
Name | texlive-collection-latexrecommended |
Version | svn45955 |
Release | 26.fc31 |
Epoch | 8 |
Arch | noarch |
Summary |
Description |
Build Time | 2019-06-21 14:49:21 GMT |
Size | 14.43 KB |
| f1b7b6cc19fb47840e04c2a7f0538dc6 |
License | Artistic 2.0 and GPLv2 and GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ and LPPL and MIT and Public Domain and UCD and Utopia |
Provides |
tex(latex) = 2018 |
texlive-collection-latexrecommended = 8:svn45955-26.fc31 |
texlive-latex = 2018 |
Obsoletes |
No Obsoletes
Conflicts |
No Conflicts
Requires |
rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 |
rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 |
rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 |
rpmlib(PayloadIsXz) <= 5.2-1 |
texlive-anysize |
texlive-base |
texlive-beamer |
texlive-booktabs |
texlive-breqn |
texlive-caption |
texlive-cite |
texlive-cmap |
texlive-collection-fontsrecommended |
texlive-collection-latex |
texlive-crop |
texlive-ctable |
texlive-eso-pic |
texlive-etoolbox |
texlive-euenc |
texlive-euler |
texlive-extsizes |
texlive-fancybox |
texlive-fancyref |
texlive-fancyvrb |
texlive-filehook |
texlive-float |
texlive-fontspec |
texlive-fp |
texlive-index |
texlive-jknapltx |
texlive-koma-script |
texlive-l3experimental |
texlive-l3kernel |
texlive-l3packages |
texlive-latexbug |
texlive-lineno |
texlive-listings |
texlive-lwarp |
texlive-mathspec |
texlive-mathtools |
texlive-mdwtools |
texlive-memoir |
texlive-metalogo |
texlive-microtype |
texlive-ms |
texlive-ntgclass |
texlive-parskip |
texlive-pdfpages |
texlive-polyglossia |
texlive-powerdot |
texlive-psfrag |
texlive-rcs |
texlive-sansmath |
texlive-section |
texlive-seminar |
texlive-sepnum |
texlive-setspace |
texlive-subfig |
texlive-textcase |
texlive-thumbpdf |
texlive-translator |
texlive-typehtml |
texlive-ucharcat |
texlive-underscore |
texlive-unicode-math |
texlive-xcolor |
texlive-xkeyval |
texlive-xltxtra |
texlive-xunicode |
Recommends |
No Recommends
Suggests |
No Suggests
Supplements |
No Supplements
Enhances |
No Enhances
Files |
No Files
Component of |