Information for RPM nall-1.0-21.fc31.riscv64.rpm
ID | 482665 | |||||||||||||
Name | nall | |||||||||||||
Version | 1.0 | |||||||||||||
Release | 21.fc31 | |||||||||||||
Epoch | ||||||||||||||
Arch | riscv64 | |||||||||||||
Summary | A simple, non-intrusive, everything notifier in the system tray | |||||||||||||
Description | Nall is a small gtk+ application that discretely fits into your freedesktop system tray (such as trayer). Its purpose is to spawn periodically every kind of script and display a one-line output in the tooltip window. The main usage of nall is monitoring or just notifying of almost everything (it just depends upon your imagination and ability to script). | |||||||||||||
Build Time | 2019-09-21 10:34:24 GMT | |||||||||||||
Size | 38.55 KB | |||||||||||||
d49c7cbe7593d94d63ccf6f274059890 | ||||||||||||||
License | GPLv2+ | |||||||||||||
Buildroot | f31-build-112913-34303 | |||||||||||||
Provides |
Obsoletes | No Obsoletes | |||||||||||||
Conflicts | No Conflicts | |||||||||||||
Requires |
Recommends | No Recommends | |||||||||||||
Suggests | No Suggests | |||||||||||||
Supplements | No Supplements | |||||||||||||
Enhances | No Enhances | |||||||||||||
Files | ||||||||||||||
Component of | No Buildroots |